Product Descriptions
July 2022 | QVC New Writer Training/Onboarding
Helped train brand new writers on the ins and outs of Product Detail copy at QVC. The high level of instruction was used to introduce writers with no prior knowledge of the company's brand voice or SOP, and to get them started off on the right foot.
Host Text Conversations
December 2019 | QVC Black Friday & Cyber Week Social Posts
Edited the copy in all three videos, which were posted to QVC's social pages during the 2019 holiday season; the idea was that the conversation would look like a real group text, so certain punctuation, etc., was purposely left in there for a more organic feel; appeared on Facebook and Instagram.
Homepage Headlines
2016-2018 | Today's Special Value® Homepage Copy
Edited the daily homepage copy for QVC's Today's Special Value® spot which was seen by over 100 million visitors per year.
After + Feedback from eCommerce Team
Before + After
TSV Product Descriptions
2014-2020 | Today's Special Value® Product Copy
Edited Product Descriptions for QVC's Today's Special Value®.
Before: Writer’s Copy
First on their list, but last to be opened, the Apple iPad is the perfect grand finale gift to leave your loved ones in awe. Powered by a swift A10 Fusion chip, there's almost nothing this tablet can't do. Catch up with friends and family with regular FaceTime calls, stay connected via email and social media, enjoy your downtime with a massive library of games and apps, or lie back and catch up on your new favorite streaming show--it's all within reach thanks to the gorgeous and intuitive 9.7" diagonal Multi-Touch Retina display.
You'll also get a bunch of useful accessories to get you started, including a Bluetooth keyboard, tablet stand, earbuds, and more. One year of TechLive Connect support for your iPad provides additional peace of mind.
My notes from our in-person feedback session:
Try to be more specific: who exactly is she calling versus “friends and family”? Is it her college student, is it her sister, or her husband? Let’s put the item into her hands as if she already owns it. What exactly does that look like? Who is she FaceTime-ing? Because that’s personal to her.
There’s a whole culture of streaming, binge-watching, etc. How can we capitalize on that vernacular and really speak to that audience?
What is she doing on social media? Posting pics, statuses, liking things? Try to dig in and get more personal/specific.
It may be first on their list, but you'll want to save a present this special for last. No matter whose hands it ends up in, the 2018 Apple® iPad® is a gift that keeps on giving! Post your digital holiday greeting card on Facebook, FaceTime with your college student so all your guests can say hi, let Siri read your next best recipe to you while you cook it, and when hosting gets hectic, pass it to the grandkids for an educational game. The entertainment options are endless behind this beautiful 9.7" retina touchscreen.
You'll also get a bunch of useful accessories to get you started, including a Bluetooth keyboard, tablet stand, earbuds, and more. One year of TechLive Connect support for your iPad provides additional peace of mind.